Friday, July 8, 2011

To, Enrico

Enrico Enrico,
How we wait for you.
In divine trance,
We gyrate for you.
'Coz you are our saviour
Our knight in shiniest armor.
You are the chosen one
Who has been given
The solemn task of saving us from
The terrible twin curses
Of disconnect and ignorance.
While the rest of the world
progresses in leaps and bounds
we sit here alone, waiting
we are done with the counting
of sheep, of goats even
Come Enrico, we're done grieving.
Save us dear Enrico
Free us from these invisible chains
Come dear Enrico
Salvage us with your experience.
Fix it for us, dear Enrico
Come use your divine talents
Or else, of what use will they be?
Come come dear Enrico,
Come fix the internet for me.

Enrico is my sister's internet-man. They wait and wait and wait for him. Then they wait some more for him to come and fix the internet for them. They stay in a beautiful and untouched part of the world I am not allowed to name. Internet, which is bread and butter in the rest of the world, is a luxury in this place. So waiting for Enrico is a game they often play, as do we-waiting for Enrico to come and fix the internet for them so that we can get in touch. :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Written on a Rainy Day

Rainy days and Sundays have something in common
Both are beautiful and both uncommon

Rainy days fill me with a secret pleasure
Like a sudden unexpected treat to treasure
You're compelled for a moment to stop, to see
Out the window, the gulmohar tree
Then you close your eyes and hear the sounds
Of nature's pitter patter drum beat going around
You pause for a moment, take a deep breath
and smell the musky fragrance of a freshly soaked earth
And the newly born babe snuggles closer in your arms
Looking wide eyed at magical worldly charms.

Rainy days are all wilderness and haze
While on a more urbane note, we'll talk of Sundays.

A week full of toil, a week filled with stress
Sundays allow you to decompress
You think you will fulfill all your desires
you work the countdown, through the six days prior.
Sunday arrives with promises in wake
of a lazy morning and a fun filled day.
As the day wears on, you're uncomfortably aware
that tomorrow you will not have such leisure to spare.
The beauty of Sundays lies in the fact
you know there is only one in a seven day act.

Some would have Rainy days over Sundays
some, the other way around.
And some would rather, have both together.
While some would, quite honestly, not bother with either.
But I would want an equal measure
of Rainy Days and Sundays - of beauty and leisure.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I should've written this up last night since yesterday was a rainy day here in Bangalore. Nevertheless, better late than never. Here is a bit of poetry I discovered while rummaging through some old e mails. It is deliciously pointless and it feels good to know that I spent several research-moments doing pointless and amusing things. :)

Felt like writing poetry
So I put pen to paper
And sat down to think and muse, with glee
But found my interest tapered!

I thought a little edible lure would,
do my synapses some good.
So I got hold of some savories
And tried rekindling ol memories.

Somehow, that did not seem to work!
I tried hard to think and pondered!
Looked at the stars, gazed at the moon,
And stared into the wild blue yonder!

Thats all I have to say really,
I have confessed and admitted
My incompetence at poetry
Or anything remotely connected!

Ha ha ha! :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

15th May 2011. And fiat blog! :) The blog is called Rainy Days and Sundays because I presume that those are the days I'll have the time and the temper to write here. Today's a Sunday. And so... my blog is born. yippeee!